Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I finally got a job. Its in the deli at Vons...hilarious I know...and its just as much fun as it sounds :). But the people are pretty cool, its finally nice to meet and be able to talk to people down here. Other then working, I've just been hanging out with Trevor some since hes in town and going to the beach. The weather down here is perfect for laying out, not hot enough to get too hot, but warm enough to be super comfortable. About three weeks ago my family and I went down south to go to a wedding and see the family down there. I meant to put up some pictures earlier, so heres a few! Kellie has gotten so big I can't believe it! Shes now taller then me and every time I see her she looks older and more mature. Its crazy! Love hanging out with Brandon. We've gotten really close and living this close to him is awesome. So thankful for my family :]

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

San Luis Obispo

So I am finally all moved in to my new apartment in San Luis Obispo. I love it down here! The weather is perfect, its by the beach, whats not to love? The only downer is that I don't know anyone down here right now. Everyone who I know that lives down here is at home or gone for the summer. I basically feel like a social outcast :) Other then just getting settled in I'm trying to find a job. hopefully something will land really quick so I can start making some money or else there is no way I can afford to live down here. I'm actually excited for school to start, I just want to get it over with! Also its just another chance to meet more people. Thats the latest update!

Friday, June 27, 2008

One for Angela :)

I know its been forever since I blogged, so heres a quick update! I am officially moved out of Sacramento and plan to move down to San Luis Obispo the Fourth of July weekend. I'm really excited. The apartment complex is less than a year old and my roommate seems really nice...So hopefully everything will work out. I will be further away from home, but closer to Brandon so it will be a lot of fun.
Daniel and I are doing awesome. Other than the long distance thing...which I do not recommend AT all :) But I will only be about 3-3.5 hours away from him when I move.
School is going by soo fast, I cant believe that I am already a junior and my brother graduated, its insane.
All in all summer is going well, I miss most of my friends in Sacramento, but cant wait to meet new people in SLO. Thats it for now...I will try and post more frequently! Here are some pictures from my brother's graduation and our trip down south.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

San Diego

This past weekend Andy and I took a little...well..long..road trip down to San Diego to visit out friend Holley. We went everywhere and saw was a lot of fun! Because I have such great luck with everything, we get down there and its raining! But we got one good day of sun so we took advantage of it and went to several different beaches. Anyways..heres some pictures!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Whats new

This past weekend my roommates decided to have an 80's party at our place. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be but dressing up was fun! I also have some pretty exciting news...I officially have a boyfriend. His name is Daniel and I met him when we were working at Olive Garden. So yeah its pretty exciting! Right now I'm at home for Thanksgiving which is awesome. I have not been home since the summer so seeing everyone is great. Also Last weekend I went over to Davis to just get aways and hang out with Angela and it was so much fun. LOVE Angela and talking and hanging out with her is definitely exactly what I needed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's been awhile since I've written a new blog, but that's mainly because I don't have that much exciting stuff happening in my life at this moment. Between Olive Garden and school starting soon, it basically lame! Today I got my hair cut way short though because I've been super bored with it and decided that it as time for a I just went and cut it! I like it, although its definitely going to take some getting used to. I took a week off of work to come home again before school started and its been awesome to see my family and Angela and everyone. Totally wish more people were here though. Hopefully Christmas everyone will be home...that sounds soo far away though! Anyways hopefully next blog I'll have some exciting news :)

Monday, July 16, 2007


So I know I always complain about wanting a boyfriend, but seriously all the boys that like me are WEIRD...not to mention underage! Theres this guy that works at Olive Garden with me who keeps texting me theses crazy texts.( He's 17...) I dont want to completely blow him off by not texting back, so I try my best to make them short and to the point, but he's basically been texting me every night and its kinda getting old and a little awkward at work.
I just got back from a week on a houseboat at Trinity Lake which was beyond awesome. I got to finally hang out with Morgan and Preston for a while which was good.

It was also so good to see Angela and Alex which I haven't seen here in forever when they came down to have lunch with me...I missed you Alex and you too Ang ;)
My new apartment rocks, its way better then having one room for two people like in the dorms. Holley and I hang out a lot which is a lot of fun and tonight we started to make coconut ice cream tonight which we're both really looking forward to!
Other then that I've just been working, working out, and hanging out!